
I absolutely love the idea of real, immediate, interactive worlds to explore as a filmmaker.


Hi I’m Jake. I make software for a living, but film and video have always been a passion. A while back I got into Virtual Production, and started out trying to build a home studio. Between [UnrealEngine], [Blender], [DaVinciResolve] and other free software the world of filmmaking has never felt more accessible. I absolutely love the idea of real, immediate, interactive worlds to explore as a filmmaker.

I started recording some of our progress on YouTube, with as much technical detail as possible. At a certain point, around when our Google slide deck reached 100 slides, we realized a website was a better way to organize our learnings.

Our dream for virtual production to enable anyone to produce great content, from anywhere. We intend to document whatever progress we make, but the site is flexible enough that anyone can contribute.

Happy filming.