Contributor License Agreement

The CLA full text is here


  • You will be asked to sign the CLA via GitHub when submitting a pull-request.

  • The CLA need only be signed once, which covers all future contributions.

  • The CLA allows us to modify our license without needing to get signoff from every contributor. Locking into a license this early might prove frustrating later on. We want to be flexible.

  • You still own your contributions, and can do whatever you like with them. The combined works is governed by our License.

  • Embedded and linked content is not part of the CLA. For example, if you embed a slide presentation that content is not covered by the CLA. Only content committed to the repository is covered.


If you do not own the content you are contributing, for example if you are copying content from another project with a permissive license, that content needs to be identified:

Unowned content is not governed by this sites license, but by its original license.

  1. For images or files, the file paths relative to sources must be listed in Licenses.

  2. For content added into a document, licensed passages must be marked with:

    .. license:: TYPE
        :source: NAME OF PROJECT
        :source_url: LINK TO PROJECT

This will display the content with an inlnie notice, for example:

This content is from the example project

This content is MIT licensed from The Example Project